Thursday, January 28, 2010

I really hate...

I really hate when people call me short. I mean, I am and everything, but it just gets on my nerves. I hate being short! I have to crane my neck to look at other people my age. It's horrible being short. Do you hate something, like being short?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

cat's food

This was a very sad story about my pet duck. I thought that cat next door was my duckling's friend, but no. Why did she have to get eaten by a CAT! Of all animals, a cat. If I really had a duckling this would be a tragic story.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Visit More Sites!

Visit more sites, such as Top Vidgets, and Black Ice! Just click on the side links!

Favorite teacher ever

My fifth grade English/history/advisory teacher was the best teacher I have ever had. She was very nice, and liked to share stories about what has happened to her kids, when they were in school. She had always admired my creative writing, and she'd use my story as examples of creative writing. I was not too good in prompt writing at the time, so she gave my hints and ideas of how to make my writing better. Please visit my site again!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

About me

Hey, sup'? My display name is energy major and I enjoy a lot of things, like eating and skateboarding. I'm sure you like that stuff too. My favorite food, well let's just say it's spaghetti. Please visit my website again.